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Railmac Publications


RP-0126 - NR Class - An Early History (NR1-NR15)

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  • $6.25

"NR Class - An Early History (NR1-NR15)"

By Ed Tonks

Paperback cover 32 pages black/white photos


The NR class locomotive has a special place in Australian railway history and in the history of the Newcastle Manufacturing Region. As stated in Goninanews, No. 83, "The $360 million contract with Goninan for the supply of 120 locomotives is the largest order for Australian-made locomotives since diesel electric locomotive production began in Australia in the 1950s." The NR class introduced many features to the Australian railway scene including variable horsepower ratings, advanced communication systems, an integrated function computer, electrically operated warning bell, noise suppressing acoustic barriers for standard gauge locomotives, increased fuel efficiency and a 13,500 litre fuel tank giving an effective operating range from Melbourne to Brisbane. The NR class was designed from the beginning to be Australia's first truly intercontinental freight locomotive. The design requirements of operating over many rail systems and operating through a variety of physical and climatic environments have presented challenges to the builder and to the operator. Now that the construction program is complete the NRs are having a significant impact on the operation of interstate freight trains. To many rail enthusiasts the introduction of the NR class is synonymous with the 'MdDonaldisation' of the Australian railways resulting in national uniformity and loss of motive power variety on interstate workings. Nontheless the NRs are now part of the reality of the Australian rail scene operating from Perth to Brisbane; as such they are worth more than passing interest.