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Railmac Publications


RP-0151 - Narrow Gauge Journal No. 7

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"Narrow Gauge Journal No. 7"

By Steve McNicol

Paperback cover 32 pages black/white photos

EXCERPT - Tantanoola Quarry to Naracoorte by Phil Olsen

Who, among those firemen still alive, can ever forget the absolute thrill of stoking a T class locomotive heading a fully loaded ballast train complete with a quards van leaving the Tantanoola quarry triangle and heading for Mount Gambier Junction on the way to Naracoorte, especially if it is a cold, clear, cloudless night, with a full moon casting a glow., as it 'peeks' over the horizon.

Picture the scene: where the train order has been written out by the guard on instructions received from the train controller, giving permission for the train to proceed and the engine driver is sitting on the left side of the locomotive, his right hand poised, holding onto the brass air brake lever, peering first ahead then back along the curved train.