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Trackside Videos


Trackside Videos - TRV148 - Hunter Valley Coal 2018 (DVD)

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The three Trackside Videos presentations Hunter Heavies, Hunter Review 2009 and Coal 2015-17 covered operations of coal trains in the Hunter Valley area in the time intervals of late 1990s, early 2000s, and 2016 period respectively.

In 2018 there have been many changes, including operations of Genesee & Wyoming Australia (G&W) in their own livery after the purchase of all Glencore (formerly Xstrata) locomotives and coal wagons, triple 5000/5020/6000/6020 Class operations by Aurizon and long distributed power (push-pull) coal trains by both Pacific National (PacNat) and Aurizon.

PacNat and Aurizon each control about 40% of Hunter Valley coal movements with the recent new entrant on the scene, G&W, having movements with the recent new entrant on the scene, G&W, having about 20%. But with the arrival of their recently purchased additional new rolling stock in the form of their AHAH class ‘batwing’ coal wagons, G&W is going to provide some fierce competition for coal haulage contracts in the Hunter Valley area.

Locomotives seen in action in this presentation include 442s, 48s, 49, 90, 92, 93, 600, 5000, 5020, 6000, 6020, C, GWU, LDP, TT and XRN Class.

Approximate run time: 197 minutes.