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Circuitron - 800-5842 - AW-2 - Arc Welder Circuit

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  • $60.80

800-5842 - AW-2 ARC WELDER W / 2.4 MM LAMPS

For indirect structure illumination.

The AW-2 includes 2.4 mm diameter lamps and should be used to illuminate a window from within a structure. If the window is frosted to represent years of grime, the flickering effect is extremely realistic. Either circuit may be used with only the yellow lamp if only a flickering flame effect is desired. The AW2 can power up to a total of 20 lamps for large structures or use in multiple buildings.

Includes: bright blue and yellow lamps. The AW-2 is constructed on 2” x 3” printed circuit boards and requires a 10-18 volt AC or DC input for proper operation.