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Trackside Videos


Trackside Videos - TRV22 - Hello Interail (DVD)

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  • $37

When Queensland Railways purchased Northern Rivers Railroad, changed its name to Interail and then shut down its passenger (Ritz Rail) and freight (fly ash and cement) traffic on the Murwillumbah Line, all rail enthusiasts were very disappointed.

However, in hindsight, the takeover has led to a revitalised and well capitalized rail operator, with Interail having won two major coal haulage contracts in the Hunter Valley in recent times. The first of these was the Duralie to Stratford push-pull haulage of unwashed coal, utilising 35 wagons (ex-QE QHAF coal wagons) powered by a combination of 421, 422, and 423 class Clyde-GM locomotives. This forms Part I of this presentation.

The second contract was for the haulage of washed coal from Newstan Colliery (near Fassifern) to Vales Point Power Station. Interail had hoped to use the reinstalled south fork at Newstan Junction, but due to its late completion, has been forced to run via the north fork to Sulphide Junction, where the locomotives run around their train and head south to Vales Point Junction. Because of the limited length of Sulphide Junction sidings, the train is presently restricted to 27 QHAF coal wagons and is powered by ex-ATN L Class Clyde-GM and ex-AN EL Class Goninan-GE locomotives. This operation forms PART II of this presentation.

Part III of the presentation covers a look at the ongoing Rail Infrastructure Corporation track maintenance programs formerly pursued by Northern Rivers Railroad, and in this case details resleepering work being carried out north of Stroud Road on the North Coast Line.

Locomotives seen in this presentation include 421, 422, 423, 82, EL, L, NR Classes, while self propelled equipment includes the XPT and V Class Interurbans.

Approximate run time: 58 minutes.