Bogie Water Gin Ladder & Parts Kit to suit the Silvermaz Bogie Water Gin
This kit was developed with the help of Mr. Graham Ball when he decided to build the NSWGR Dental Cars, which included the bogie water gin. Graham had already highly detail his water gin but discussed the possibility of etching a few parts that would improve the model even further and give a more consistent result.
As the main component required was to be the curved ladder, there would be plenty of unused space that would be wasted, so more useable components were added to the etch, which then provided the modeller with plenty of optional levels of detail to aspire to. Dimensions for many of the parts were obtained from the bogie water gins that reside at the NSW Rail Transport Museum at Thirlmere NSW.
The parts included in the etch are parts that are fitted to the 2 water gins at the NSWRTM at Thirlmere, as well as the water gin that can be found at Dorrigo (NSW).
- Keiran Ryan
Includes: 1 kit.