Cab Rides Pt4 provides the view from travel in the cabs of 9 different trains as they move between the Sydney Metropolitan area and the Werris Creek/Tamworth area.
These are as follows:
- Berowra to Wondabyne *,
- Between Glennies Creek and Ashton Colliery Siding,
- Descending the Whittingham-Minimbah Bank,
- Togar Passing Loop to Willow Tree,
- Werris Creek to Murrundi with a departure out of Werris Creek aboard RailCorp 48 Class and
- The remainder of the trip beyond Werris Creek aboard a Freight Australia G and T combination *,
- Ardglen Passing Loop to Pangela,
- Ardglen Tunnel to Willow Tree and
- West Tamworth to Murulla.
Locomotive cabs travelled in include 48, 81, G and X Classes. The two cab rides identified with * incorporate part of scenes from the presentation Cab Rides Pt 3.
Approximate run time: 103 minutes.