In the days of a single source rail transportation of coal in NSW under FreightCorp and later Pacific National in the early 2000s, there were two major coal export hubs, to the north the Hunter Valley based near Newcastle and to the south in the Illawarra based at Port Kembla. The latter was referred to as the ‘Southern Coal Division’.
‘Southern Coal Division’ serviced the western coal mines of Charbon (closed 2016). Airly, Baal Bone (closed 2001), Lidsdale, Canyon (closed early 1990s), and Clarence collieries. To the south it serviced Tahmoor Colliery and in the metropolitan region the Glenlee (closed early 1990s) and Metropolitan collieries. When PacNat picked up all BHP rail system work in 2012 it inherited their Denrobian Mine work which it serviced with a single 82 Class and 23 NHSH style coal wagons, and later also picked up the BHP Wongawilli colliery when it was sold to Indian company NRE, the latter serviced by 25 wagon NHSH style coal wagons powered by leased EL Class locomotives.
Today there is much more competition. SSR competes with PacNat for all of the western colliery work whilst Aurizon has taken over the Wongawilli Colliery contract. Southern Shorthaul Railroad (SSR) utilises triple CEY Class hauling 50 of their 100 tonne capacity wagons whilst PacNat continues to run quad 82 Class on 45 wagon NHSH type coal wagons of 80 tonne capacity. For Metropolitan Colliery PacNat still uses push-pull 82 Class hauling 42 NHSH style coal wagons whilst for the Tahmoor Colliery operation has moved from suh-pull 82 Class 33 wagon NHSH style trains to TT Class 50 wagon push-pull trains. In recent times 93 Class have replaced the TT Class, the latter being moved to Hunter Valley operations. The Dendrobian mine is still operated with 23 NHSH style wagon trains powered with a single 82 Class. Aurizon utilises a 30 wagon 100 tonne capacity QHAH wagon train push-pull and hauled by 6000 Class locomotives.
Approximate run time: 101 minutes.