DCD-ABC.3 - ABC Slow or Stop Modules (3 Pack)
- Very simple set-up of ABC.
- Versatile adjustment of ABC with both slow down and stop, intermediate running speed and acceleration rates/distances.
- Implementation of adjustable slow down and stopping sections for automation of terminal station stopping, automatic storage and fiddle yards or even simple and direct signalling integration.
- Low cost ABC board with switchable orientation (via easy to use headers).
- Both on-board or external triggering of the ABC board for “ABC section on or off”.
- Fully Automated ABC triggered shuttle abilities, all totally within the Zen Black decoder.
- A choice of simple timer adjustment or external triggering for shuttle-related station stops, within the decoder.
- Addition of “multiple, easily set up station or passing loop stops”, all totally within the Zen Black decoder.
- Ability to use ABC boards interactively so that “Automated Shuttle Trains” can also share main line use.
Includes: 3 modules.