#810 Thru-the-Ties Delayed-Action Electric Uncoupler Kit - O Scale
Kadee® #165 Red - Normally Open momentary contact push button switches are recommend.
This package contained one O Scale Magne-Electric electromagnetic, delayed action uncoupler kit, ready to assemble and install Thru-the-Ties. It can be installed on any straight layout track, but especially on mainlines, were false uncoupling my occur.
Package Includes:
- (2) each Coils
- (2) each Steel Cores
- (4) each Field Plates
- (1) each Feild Plate Divider
- (1) each Track Mounting Plate
- (2) each Code 125Spacers
- (2) each Code 156 Spacers
- (2) each Code 172 Spacers
- (1) each 10-32 x 1 1/2" Bolt
- (1) each 10-32 Nut
- (4) each 2 x 3/8" flat head self-tapping screws
Operates: 16 volt DC.
We recommend a 16 volt DC power source (at least 2 Amps) or 12-20 volt AC power source (at least 2 Amps) converted to DC with bridge rectifier*. (*bridge rectifier & capacitor not included)
Fits codes 100, 125, 156 and 172 track.
WARNING: Do not use the uncoupler continually. DO NOT activate the uncoupler for longer than 3 MINUTES at one time.
This will avoid possible overheating which will damage the uncoupler.
Track not included
Recommended Accessories:
- 3 Amp Push button momentary switch
- SPST - Normally Open (Kadee #165)
- Light bulb - 14-20 Volts, .2 Amp
- #20 AWG Wire- insulated, strand in two color codes
- Rosin Core Solder - 1/16" size
- Track Section, 3 1/2" long
- Roadbed Section, 2 1/8" long
- Metal Rail Joiners
- Ballast
AC to DC Conversion:
- Single Phase Full Wave Bridge Rectifier rated 1.5 Amp, 50 Volts (If using 12-20 Volts AC as your power source)
- Electrolytic capacitor rated at 1000 MFD, 50 WV (If using 12-20 Volts AC as your power source)
Recommended Tools:
- Power or Crank Drill - with 1/4" bit
- 1/4" Drill
- Reg. Screwdriver - with 1/8" head
- Modeler's Knife
- Razor Saw
- Flat Chisel, 1/2"
- Medium Tooth File - 1/2" wide
- Household Pliers
- Soldering Iron
- Contact Cement
- Cyano Acrylate
- White Glue
- Fine Tooth File - 1/2" wide