Scatter Grass in a new Convenient Packaging!
Who doesn't know this situation? Bags fall over, spilled flocking material, in short: there is a mess on the crafting table.
The new NOCH Series "Flocking Material in Cans" brings an end to this. The most important NOCH flocking products now come in cans.
The cans can be stacked, they can be can be re-sealed and they are transparent - this way you have a good view of your flocking material.
The popular NOCH Leaves are a very delicately cut, special flocking material. The single leaves all have a deceptively real, leaf-like shape.
The material is particularly suited for flocking trees or shrubbery, as well for designing ivy, ground-cover plants or forest floors.
The Leaves are available as a single packs, as well as Leaves Sets with different shades of greens or autumn colours.
Contents: 100g tub