These Grass Blends are Special compositions of differents grasses and flocking material.
The are specifically designed for the use with the NOCH Grass Master 2.0.
Scatter Grass in a new Convenient Packaging!
Who doesn't know this situation? Bags fall over, spilled flocking material, in short: there is a mess on the crafting table.
The new NOCH Series "Flocking Material in Cans" brings an end to this. The most important NOCH flocking products now come in cans.
The cans can be stacked, they can be can be re-sealed and they are transparent - this way you have a good view of your flocking material.
Note: For an area of 1 m², approx. 150 g and 500 g Grass Glue and needed.
A lot of Scatter Grass is offered in three different packings (20 g and 100 g in a bag and 120 g in a can).
Contents: 2.5 to 6 mm, 100 g container