In order to complete dieselisation of the state’s rail network, the New South Wales Government Railways (NSWGR) took delivery from A.E. Goodwin of 165 of their 48 Class between 1959 and 1970 (additionally Clyde delivered 16 of its 49 Class in the mid 1960s and A. Goninans built 20 of its 47 Class in 1972). These 875-1000 HP diesel electric locomotives, with an axle loading of some 13 tonnes, could operate on any of NSWGR’s branch lines.
The 47/48/49 class passed from NSWGR to State Rail Authority (SRA), to FreightRail, to FreightCorp, and ultimately in the early 2000s to Pacfic National (PacNat). However by the 1980’s the NSW road systems had drastically improved, resulting in many trackside silos closing and the grain, previously being stored in them, hauled by road to larger sub terminal grain facilities. As a result large scale withdrawals from service of 47, 48 and 49 Class locomotives commenced, some sold to private operators but many scrapped. Additionally in the 2000s PacNat, being a private enterprise, began to withdraw from some unprofitable main and branch line grain haulage services. As a result the federal government forced the transfer of 18 of its 48 Class and some 160 grain wagons to GrainCorp to support grain movements by rail.
Fortunately for the 48 Class, the early 1990s saw a massive increase in coal exports and bumper crops of grain so, if you do not have enough 3000/4000 HP locomotives to cope with this, you couple up 48 Class branch liners to help out with main line work.
This presentation covers predominantly quad 48 Class grain train and coal haulage on the Main Northwest lines and in the Hunter Valley. Included is a 48 Class driver’s perspective when being banked across the Liverpool Ranges with quad 48 Class hauling a 2900 tonne grain train.
Approximate run time: 152 minutes.