The presentation Moss Vale - Unanderra Line, released back in 2002, covered freight and passenger operations on this line in the period between 1996 and 2002 with a 2008 addendum when the presentation was re-released in DVD-R form.
This presentation, Unanderra to Moss Vale Review, reviews action at both Unanderra (including South Coast traffic) and Moss Vale (including Main South traffic), and on the Moss Vale - Unanderra line joining them both, in the period 2017-2018. At Unanderra we see coal operations from both Tahmoor and the recently reactivated Wollongong Colliery (previously known as Wongawilli). There is also considerable Manildra Group freight trains and Oscar passenger train action. At Moss Vale the Main South line also provides QUBE, SCT and PacNat interstate freight traffic and the grain, stone and limestone traffic of PacNat. Additionally Moss Vale has XPT and Endeavour passenger traffic off the Main South.
In this period on the track between Unanderra and Moss Vale, Tahmoor export coal has been the most significant commodity, currently being handled with 45 coal wagon rakes powered by triple 82 Class locomotives in push-pull configuration. Grain has been affected significantly by the present drought conditions but is still being recovered from long term country storage silos and limestone traffic supports steel production at Port Kembla. Empty steel trains returning from the south to Port Kembla also use this track. All of this freight traffic is dominated by PacNat.
Locomotives seen in freight operations action include 81, 82, 93, CSR, NR, QBX, TT and X Class whilst passenger traffic includes XPT, Endeavour and Oscar operations.
Approximate run time: 100 minutes.