Werris Creek Part 1 covered rail operations on that section of track between Muswellbrook and Werris Creek South Box in the time frame 1993-2004. This presentation, Werris Creek Part 2, covers action around the heart of “The Creek” in the same time frame, including activity at the Maintenance Centre, Goods Yard, Station, South Box, Silos, The Gap and the Old Binnaway Line.
As indicated in Part 1, the Creek became the logical hub for the many railway lines extending to the north and west (such as Wallangarra, Walgett, Binnaway etc) necessitating the construction of large marshalling yards and maintenance facilities to support the railway operation. The basic layout of rail facilities at Werris Creek has not changed greatly over the last 50 years, with the exception of the removal of most of the steam roundhouse and a number of sidings, and the addition of the silos and some specific buildings when the diesel-electric locomotive came to town in the late 1950’s.
In the period 1993-2004, there has been virtually no physical change to the Creek, but sadly in this time frame its technical capabilities have all but disappeared. From being a base rich in skilled tradesmen that covered top overhauls on any 251 powered Alco locomotive, provided full repaints, changed out of generators and traction motors, today Werris is little better than a fueling, sanding, watering and storage facility. All breakdown are invariably towed ‘dead attached’ to another facility, usually a contractor, for repair. As a consequence, Werris Creek township is in severe decline.
Operators seen in this presentation include ARG, Countrylink, Freight Australia, Freight Corp, Pacific National and SRA, while locomotive classes seen include CLP/F, G, GM, T, 31 (ex WAGR L), 442, 48, 80, 81 and 82.
Approximate run time: 58 minutes.